Leon x hop pokemon
Leon x hop pokemon

leon x hop pokemon

“What are you doing here anyways, the gym challenge is starting in a week.” “We’re only two years apart, Lee! I’m 21 for Arceus’s sake!” You laughed, hitting his arm lightly. “It’s been years since I last saw you, you’re not a kid anymore!” “(Y/N)! I almost didn’t recognize you! How was Uni?” Leon smiled and gave you a bone crushing hug. The two brothers talked animatedly while you tried to smooth your hair down.Įventually Leon’s eyes met yours and you felt that familiar lurch in your stomach. Leon looked up at the two of you when Hop yelled his name and suddenly you were aware of how sweaty and disheveled you must be. Being the champion had its difficulties you supposed. Sure enough Leon was at the station surrounded by almost all of Postwick. You followed Hop to the station down the hill, trying your best to keep pace with him. There probably wasn’t any special reason your unrequited childhood crush would want to see you. You tried not to let yourself overthink Leon asking to see you. “For both of us?” Hop had grabbed your hand and was gradually pulling you off of your porch. “He’s at the station right now and he brought something for us.” Leon hadn’t been home in quite some time.

leon x hop pokemon

“Lee is back in town.” You perked up at that. “(Y/N)! You won’t believe it!” Hop exclaimed. He rounded the corner to find you sitting on your porch, slowly nursing the last of your tea. You wouldn’t be surprised if all of Postwick came out with torches and pitchforks for the crime of screaming at 7:30 in the morning. Hop had always had way too much energy but this was ridiculous. Hop was running up the path to your house yelling your name at the top of his lungs. Today, however, your neighbor had other plans. On most days you could spend hours like this, in uninterrupted bliss. And most importantly, nothing to do but drink your tea. The fog hung heavy in the air, faint lights in the distance were the only signs of any other people. It was a still spring morning in Postwick. This will contain sex and a bit of violence later on.

Leon x hop pokemon